Garden Recipes
Seaweed and garlic spray
Soak a bulb of garlic in 1 litre for approx 4-5 days. Mix this with 10 litres of water for spraying, and add 50ml liquid seaweed concentrate. (Make up the seaweed as described below or purchase some top quality organically prepared concentrate.)
Liquid Manure Drum
Using a 200-litre drum, fill it with water after placing 10-14 kilos of either comfrey leaves or tree Lucerne tops (cut 5-10cm up from ground). For liquid seaweed place half of a 25 kilo bag of Seaweed Algrits (available from garden centres) into the drum of water and mix it in thoroughly. Over the next month the seaweed will need 4-5 good stirrings, and the Lucerne and the Comfrey will benefit from several stirrings too. At the end of a month they will be ready for use. Take the Comfrey or Lucerne out as needed, apply at a rate of approx ½ litre per 5 litres of water for watering, more diluted for spraying. With the seaweed, carefully scoop the liquid off, leaving the dregs in the bottom of the drum, and fill it with water again – you should get a second batch. Spent dregs from any of these can be put into the compost or dug into the garden. Regular applications of a week solution are better than irregular heavy ‘hits’.
Organic Fertilizer Mix
Bloodmeal, rock phosphate and wood ash at the proportions of 2:2:4.