Lunar Zodiac

There is a lot of energy available with this moon. Be adventurous and start things now. Headstrong, impulsive action abounds. The Instinct – assertive action, individuality and independence. The Shadow – Denial of deep feelings and emotional needs. Lack of awareness of consequences and interdependence.

A slower time. Internal and material security needs are stressed. Enjoy sensual pleasures, emotional warmth and Earth touch. The energy is steadfast and persistent. The instinct – to establish self-esteem and a solid security base. The shadow – possessiveness, stubbornness and material over indulgence.

Fast, light, changeable energy abounds. The mind is busy, inventive and curious. Communications quicken. Contradictions and interruptions are likely as Gemini moves from one pole to the other. The instinct – to communicate and have fun. The shadow – vacillation, rationalizing emotions.

Strong emotional under currents flow with the moon in Cancer. There is a deep need to nurture and be nurtured. Appreciate traditional values – home and family. The instinct – to feel loved, wanted and emotionally secure. The shadow – indulging in past pain, feeling helpless. Not looking
after the inner child.

Time to play! Exuberant dramatic and generous energy dominates. Romance is in the air. A great time for creative self-expression. There may be competition for leadership, everyone wanting the limelight. The instinct – to come from the heart, be appreciative and fully appreciated. The shadow – attention seeking, demanding, dominating, insensititive behavior.

The atmosphere is careful and discriminating. Exact practical hard work satisfies now. Thoughtful analysis applies on all levels. It’s important to stay in touch with the Earth and take care of our physical beings intuitively and non-obsessively. The instinct – to perfect form and preserve the Whole. The shadow – excessive preoccupation with detail, overly critical

A sociable moon. It’s easier now to cooperate and compromise. An awareness of justice prevails. An ideal time for negotiation and meditation. There is a greater appreciation of beauty and refinement of form. The instinct – to create harmony in the environment and relationships. The shadow – competition and indecisiveness. Being too easily influenced by others.

The atmosphere is intense and highly charged. There is a lot going on under the surface. We are more than normally aware of our desires and passions and may be concerned with keeping them under wraps. The instinct – to experience the power of our deepest feelings, to let go and to transform. The shadow – obsessive compulsive behavior, secrecy and paranoia.

Idealism and a preoccupation with meaning and truth prevail. There is restlessness in the air, a need to travel or explore. It’s a good time for stretching the mind in new studies. The instinct – to be free and in touch with the universal spirit. The shadow – avoidance of everyday reality, over-intellectualism and escapism.

A very grounded moon. The mood is more restrained and formal. Patience, pragmatism and productivity rule. It’s a good time for building, organizing and following one’s ambitions. The instinct – to maintain commitments, preserve and reach a goal. The shadow – over seriousness, attachment to material positions of power.

A friendly, intellectual mood. Thinking is creative, inventive, futuristic and concerned with humanity. Time to break rules and enjoy surprises. The instinct – to value the uniqueness of the individual as well as the totality of the group. The shadow – fear of intimacy, coldness and emotional detachment.

A drifty, dreamy time. Heightened empathy, sensitivity and vulnerability. Moon now is great for all mystic, artistic, psychic and musical endevors. The instinct – to merge with others and experience the whole unity of life. The shadow – extreme impressionability, loss of Self, the inability to set boundaries and limits.